Sunday, December 2, 2012

Nursing reference sheet

This is a reference sheet for my nursing audience, it gives examples of situations a nurse may be faced with and how they should go about handling the situation. It also has consequences of violations on the sheet. The original reference sheet has the same data as the following, except with pictures.

HIPAA Reference Sheet


1)    Contact head nurse, or spokesperson

2)      You do not have to disclose any information to the media
3)      If you share information with the media you may only give the patient’s name and condition
4)      When giving a patient’s condition you may only use six terms, undetermined, good, fair, serious, critical, and death. NOTHING more than this.
5)      A patient may choose to opt out which means NO information may disclosed to the media

Child Abuse/     


1)    If child abuse or neglect is suspected you MUST contact law enforcement

2)      Parents have no right to say no to further investigation
3)      Medical information may be disclosed without patient consent in order to protect the child
4)      Avoid releasing information to the media


1)    If under the legal age of 18, parents have rights to their child’s medical information with the exception of child abuse and neglect cases

Your computer and files

1)    Under no circumstances should you leave your computer unlocked while unattended

2)      Do not leave a patient’s file unattended
3)      Do not leave any patient file, or chart unattended

Family Members

1)    Do not ever assume a family member knows the condition of a patient.

2)      Treat family members as media, only disclose the condition as undetermined, good, fair, serious, critical, or death.

Communicating with staff

1)    Do not blog, text, or write on the internet about a patient’s medical information with staff or anyone

2)      When communicating with staff only communicate information with the appropriate staff members who are also dealing with your patient

Still Confused?

1)    Contact the head of your department for answers

Consequences of Violation


        Minimum Penalty                                              Maximum Penalty

Individual did not know (and by

exercising reasonable diligence

would not have known) that he/she

violated HIPAA

$100 per violation, with an annual                     $50,000 per violation, with an annual
maximum of $25,000 for repeat                         maximum of $1.5 million
violations (Note: maximum that can
be imposed by state attorneys general
regardless of the type of violation)          

HIPAA violation due to reasonable

cause and not due to willful neglect

$1,000 per violation, with an annual                      $50,000 per violation, with an            
maximum of $100,000 for repeat                           annual maximum of $1.5 million

HIPAA violation due to willful

neglect but violation is corrected

within the required time period

$10,000 per violation, with an annual                     $50,000 per violation, with an
maximum of $250,000 for repeat                            annual maximum of $1.5 million

HIPAA violation is due to willful

neglect and is not corrected

$50,000 per violation, with an annual                  $50,000 per violation, with an maximum of $1.5 million                                     annual maximum of $1.5 million

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