Sunday, October 28, 2012

Trials and tribulations of the research process


In my research process I have come across many challenges, and at some points in the process I even felt hopeless, but since the beginning of the process I have learned a lot about forming a good research topic. One of my biggest challenges in my research was coming up with a good research topic. I went from how HIPPA affected society, to my final topic of how can I put a large piece of research out to the nursing world that discusses various aspects of HIPPA. You can see in my writing that I struggled to come to my final topic, but when I started doing research it became clear to me what I needed to research. During my research process I realized that the audience that needed information on HIPPA the most was nurses, and I learned what they need to know about, and I learned it was my job to find this information, piece it all together to make one giant piece of research for nurses. What I believe I could do different when approaching another research project, and making an original claim is I would first find something that interested me personally, and then I would find the audience that is in need of information about the topic.

            Another obstacle I faced in this process is that it came to my attention I had two audiences that were important in my discussion. My first audience is nurses; I am targeting them because they need the information about HIPPA. My other audience is an academic audience, nursing professors, the one who hold masters, and PhD’s, who are specialized in specific research and teach at universities. This audience is important because they are the people conducting research, and giving this information to the medical world. So with this newfound audience I have to construct my paper in a way that will be credible to both audiences. To achieve this goal I have been researching genres of both the professors who are researching, and sources that are credible to nurses, like company websites that are reliable. Luckily through my research the research done by professors, and the credible nurse websites are constructed in similar ways.

            I am still working to construct my paper in a way that will be credible to both professors and nurses, and finding a way to give this information to nurses.

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